Friday, September 14, 2012

Refurbished Computers

It seems a lot of people hear the phrase "refurbished computers" and automatically think of junk, non functional or problematic computers.

This is not so, if you get the refurbished computers from a reputable dealer.

The computer industry has a similar 'echelon' if you will, to that of the auto industry.

There are new cars (new computers), used cars (we call them off lease in the computer industry) and cars that have been repaired and now are for sale as used cars (refurbished computers).

And while it's perfectly OK to buy a used car with or without prior damage, for some reason people think it's a bad thing to buy refurbished computers.

I champion for off lease and refurbished computers because I personally work with people who can't afford a brand new computer.

I have sold many refurbs, and have had only one catastrophe.

My own personal record shows that off lease and refurbished computers can have many years left in them for service.

My favorite place to get off lease and refurbished computers is

I know what you are thinking, "Walmart sells used stuff?" Not usually in store.

But the website has so much more available than you will ever find in the stores.

Here is a link to Walmart's inexpensive desktop computers:

Here is a link to Walmart's inexpensive laptop computers:

I hope that if you are in need of a computer, and have a fixed budget, that you will consider buying one of these.

One last note, if you have a Walmart near you, the other reason why i like Walmart is if you pick "ship to store" then there are no shipping charges.

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